
"Thank you for helpng me with my fitness with Essex and England Paul."

Alastair Cook
Essex and England Cricket Player


"I am very happy to say that training with Paul has totally changed my lifestyle and fitness. Paul informs me that I am presently the most senior member of his exclusive 100 club at Club Woodham at the ripe old age of 50,to become a member it requires a very tough test of muscular strength and endurance. Members have to complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions of 100 kg on all the hammer strength machines at the club. After months of training and pain I am very proud that I have recently achieved my goal. I have also lost two and half stone of body weight and almost 4 inches round the waist, in the process my golf and racket ball has also vastly improved as well. I hope that I am proof that no matter how old you are it’s never too late to get fitter, stronger , lose weight and feel so much better, I do not think that I would have been able to achieve these goals without the constant engorgement (nagging ) expertise that Paul as a personal trainer provides."

Neil Hutchinson
Mercury Cars


"I quit smoking on Independence Day, 2006. Prior to quitting I joined a gym and had attempted to improve my fitness levels through self-motivation. I realised after several months that I was not achieving my goals. Paul’s motivational presence in classes, and the positive effects he had on those he interacted with, prompted me to enquire into his services as a personal trainer. My initial assessment with Paul proved to be a shock. I recall being 10kgs over my own estimated weight and my fitness score was poor. Having discussed my goals with Paul we then set to work initially on improving my cardio fitness levels. At this stage my personal program consisted of cardio machines, spinning and weights classes, most of which were taken by Paul. As my fitness levels grew so did my self-confidence. My body shape was changing for the better. Paul kept variety in the PT sessions so I was always facing different challenges. For me, personally, the introduction of kettle-bells was a revelation. The variation in intensity and resistance levels mean I can continue to improve both cardio and strength conditioning in one routine. Paul builds a close working relationship with clients allowing him to quickly assess their current condition and set achievable but highly challenging goals. My fitness, endurance and strength levels have improved beyond anything I could have envisaged and I continue to work with Paul to this day, enjoying my routines now as much as ever."

Paul Weldon


"I have trained with Paul for over a year now and I have continued to progress and improve along the entire way. Through help and encouragement from Paul, I have been able to continue to make personal bests and have also been able to prepare to climb mount snowdon, both of which I would not have been able to do without Pauls help. Pauls training techniques are tough enough to dramatically change your physique yet extremely enjoyable and his knowledge is second to none!"

Grant Poole-Adams


"I have been a personal training client of Paul’s for 4 years. I make my weekly kettlebell session with Paul the cornerstone of my exercise program. The improvement in my core stability, and overall strength have been significant, and sustained. This is has lead to ongoing improvements in my favoured sporting and leisure activities of golf, cycling and skiing. Paul has maintained my interest level, and kept my program fresh and up to date. He has a knack of finding the key motivational triggers for clients from the whole spectrum of age, sporting background and ability levels. For me, his experience and competitive edge keeps me fully engaged with my training program; he is equally adept at coaching clients who are new to the gym environment. I am happy to recommend him without hesitation."

Nick Pilgrim


I have been training with Paul every week for 8 mths now. He is a fantastic trainer and has converted me from my avid 'anti excercise' mentality to 'can't get enough exercise' mentality! - So in my mind he has worked absolute miracles! In my experience he has been very well organised and flexible. I am hooked on my weight training now , as I no longer have back ache ,which I had suffered with for years. The Kettlebells training has has toned me and challenged me too (in a good way) and I have never felt so strong and healthy. I would definately recommend Paul for Personal Training- he is good fun as well as professional and I always look forward to our lessons. Thanks Paul!

Ally Richardson-Dobie


I have worked with Paul for over two years now and during this time he has helped with me with various aspects of fitness and conditioning to prepare for various judo competitions. I am more than happy to recommend him as a kettlebells, strength and conditioning coach.

Fergus Dullaghan
Judo International and former full-time athlete


I have worked with Paul over the past couple of months concentrating mainly on kettle bell training once or twice a week. I had never been into any kind of fitness regime but decided this summer it was time to improve my fitness level and general health. Paul has not only helped me reach my goals but his practical advice and encouragement keeps me looking forward to our sessions every week. Every week improvements are made increasing my core strength, body shape, fitness and exercise technique. The overall experience Paul offers is great for everybody at any fitness level and I would not hesitate recommending Paul. Now where's my 20 quid Paul??

Simon Bowdidge


I have been a regular attending Paul's Spinning classes for over 3 years. Spinning has helped me maintain my fitness and help get me back into shape after pregnancy in a fairly short period of time. I enjoy the classes and the structure of Paul's sessions and would recommend them for anyone looking to improve fitness or giving it a go for the first time.

Melanie Bowdidge


I have had the pleasure of training with Paul for a couple of years now. I
have always been a keen participant of the gym but found my weekly routine lacked structure and goal so I decided to give Kettle bells a blast. During and after my very first session it really hit home to me that my base level of fitness needed to be stepped up a gear, it was apparent that I had become side tracked for too long with my own gentle gym routine of machine weights.
 I wont lie, the first session killed me and I ached up until my next session but I found as the weeks went on my enthusiasm increased and so did my fitness and strength. Paul's training has helped me undo years of bad habits, his techniques have helped increase my core strength and this in turn has had a positive influence on the way I train. The beauty of
training with Paul is that if you have a goal in mind he'll tailor a workout to help you reach it. Apart from Kettle bells I have participated in Paul’s spinning classes, which are very energetic and a great cardio workout. He has recently introduced me to the TRX band, which is another great training tool to increase core stability and fitness. I would have no hesitation in recommending Paul to anyone and I look forward to training with him in the future.

Ben Penny


After regularly going to the gym for 15 years, I considered myself fairly fit, I was maintaining my initial weight loss, but no matter how hard I seemed to train, I was unable to notice any change to my shape. When Paul and his kettlebells came to Club Woodham I decided to give it a go. I had suffered stress fractures in my lower back through marathon training but Paul assured me that in fact, strengthening my core would help. My God, what a workout, I hurt in places I had no idea I had! I was really intrigued that something could do that to me, as I hadn’t ached during exercise for years. I kept the sessions going and nearly 2 years on, I am still hooked. The results were amazing, body shape change, a significant strength and fitness improvement and no back pain.

Cheryl Edward


When I met Paul I was just over 90kg, I'd given up smoking, and been training for 6 months trying to get fit, lose weight and change my body shape. My first session was a revelation, to say I was unfit was an understatement, only able to complete 3, yes 3 press ups, there was plenty of work to do. Paul gave me a training programme, diet advice and lifestyle coaching. Using Paul's cardio and weight training programmes, and one to one training with kettle bells, my personal training sessions were life changing! I saw my weight drop, my fitness improve, and my confidence grew. Paul then introduced me to his spinning classes, this took my fitness to new levels, and enabled me to improve my performance. Overall I've lost 3 stone of fat and gained a stone of muscle, more importantly I've been able to maintain my weight and I'm still improving my strength and fitness. After 4 years I'm still training with Paul and at 46yrs old I'm able to train with clients half my age which is a true testament to Paul's skills and motivation. Give Paul a try you won't regret it!

Tony Lock